Road Safety Foundation - A34 statistics A34, section M4 to M40
· This road is a trunk road (Highways England is the road authority) · Section length 53.8km or 33.4 miles · Number of KSI crashes in latest 3 year period (2012 to 2014) = 50 · 6 of which involved a fatality (so there are at least 6 fatalities on this stretch in this 3 year period) · Out of the 50 KSI crashes…1 involved a KSI to a vulnerable road user; 17 were at a junction; 17 were run-off road crashes, there were no head-on crashes (the road is divided); 11 shunt/rear-end type crash; and 4 KSI crashes recorded as ‘other’ · All 6 crashes involving a fatality occurred in a 70mph zone · 34 of the 50 KSI crashes where a serious injury occurred happened in a 70 zone. · KSI crashes per mile = 1.49 · For our risk mapping this road has a KSI rate of 14.4 which equates to a band 2 (coloured yellow on our risk maps). Yellow = “low-medium risk road”. Note KSI rate is KSI crashes per vehicle kilometre travelled. |
Accident data
For details on the risk of the road, and the severity and distribution of the road, visit CrashMap (, a website designed to give public access to road safety data.